April Rinne
World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, Flux Author
Flux: Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change
April Rinne, a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader and a leading female futurist according to Forbes, specializes in guiding individuals and organizations to adapt to change and uncertainty. She advises startups, major companies, financial institutions, nonprofits, and governments globally, including notable names like Airbnb, Nike, and the World Bank. Her work has been featured in publications like Harvard Business Review, Wired, and Fast Company. April holds a Harvard Law School degree, and her diverse background as a futurist, lawyer, investor, and more informs her unique perspective on thriving amid change. She is also the author of "Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change," drawing inspiration from her personal experiences and global travels, which include visiting over 100 countries and overcoming personal tragedies. April's mission is to help others build positive relationships with change.

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Getting to Know April

What sparked your interest in career readiness?
In some ways, I‘d say my entire life – not that it‘s always been about work, but rather being ready for life. I was never interested in doing just one thing; I wanted to learn and explore all kinds of things, and I was raised in a family in which this was encouraged. Already by high school, I remember thinking that „career ladders“ sounded really limiting. Little did I know how much that sentiment would keep shaping my life – and helping others!
Who do you look up to or follow in your field of work?
So many people! I‘m especially inspired by really early shapers of ideas long before they go mainstream, like Charles Handy who pioneered the career portfolio concept more than 30 years ago. I‘m also inspired by all the people around the world who are proactively creating their own portfolios, stretching beyond their comfort zones, and seeking to become better versions of themselves. They are beacons of light for the future!
What was your first job experience? What did you learn from it?
When I was 8, I started
my own sewing business. My parents had put me in charge of my own budget when I was 7, and I quickly learned how much things cost. Starting my own business helped both my creativity and financial literacy!

Career Readiness
For years you have forged partnerships, created pathways, and developed programs…yet we still have empty seats in our classes. While we balance preparing students for both higher education completion and the workforce, it is time to shift our messaging. If you seek broader institutional engagement in your outreach, enrollment management, student recruitment, and marketing efforts, then this masterclass is for you. It’s time to become their first choice.
You can't afford to wait another year.

"Let joy linger... all year long. Even when skies are gray, or life feels dull, or the world feels scary. *Especially* then..“"
April Rinne