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Brandon Busteed

Chief Partnership Officer and Global Head, Learn-Work Innovation Kaplan


The Merger of Learning and Work

The most effective educational pedagogy involves project-based learning, hands-on application, teamwork, and opportunities to connect learning to work such as internships, co-ops, or apprenticeships. And the demands of the modern workplace require rapid and constantly learning and skilling - whether learning to use new collaboration software tools, data analysis tools, or more involved, formal training, 'learning' is becoming a critical aspect of work success. We are rapidly headed toward a world where will see a merger of learning and work - where you may not be able to tell the difference between a 'school' and a 'workplace.' Let's imagine what this world will look like! 

About Me

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Audience and Lecturer


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Employer Partnerships

With tight labor markets, rising education costs, and a widening skills gap, educational institutions and employers have every reason to partner together. Our schools and colleges want to understand, and respond to, local workforce needs more than ever before. Simply convening local industry representatives for compliance is woefully insufficient. Thankfully we know what effective partnerships look like and how to sustain them.


Each masterclass in Employer Partnerships covers a vitally important element about the practicalities and challenges of partnership implementation. Learn how we can engage in meaningful collaborations, innovate new structures, and blur the walls of our classroom so that every learner and local partner benefits.

“Everything that happens to you is a form of instruction if you pay attention“.

Robert Greene (Mastery)

Let's Talk
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