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Instructional Excellence

Instructional Excellence

Catapult offers a unique team professional development opportunity.  Typically, Catapult is designed to be a catalyst for galvanizing support for your programs across your entire institution; it facilitates a true tipping point by providing the best Industry Thought Leaders to every employee across your entire institution. The regular price for a Catapult masterclass to exponentially expand support for you and your programs is $25,000 per institution.

However, for a limited-time pilot, Catapult is providing this impactful professional development to a team of three individuals from your institution for only $3,000. Experience this dynamic learning model yourselves and launch your team forward faster!

  • Team Name & Email

    When the Licence is in your cart, an "Add Note" button appears. Please use it to list the team of 3 that is going to participate in the Catapult Masterclass. Name and email. Thank you

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